We are open Monday through Friday from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. We operate on a 52-week schedule. For your convenience, our center does not close for vacation weeks. You are agreeing to a 52-week contract, with the understanding that tuition is expected weekly to hold your child’s spot. In support of teachers, special provisions will be made to the contract length. With documentation of employment from the district you are employed by, you will be offered a contract that coincides with your schools’ calendar. You are expected to pay for winter, Christmas, and spring breaks, but are allowed to unenroll during the summer months. You will need to let us know by spring break if you would like to enroll for full time summer care as well.
$165 per child infants (6 weeks-17 months)
$155 per child toddlers (18 months – 35 months)
$145 per child PreK (36 months – 11 years)
$75 per child, after school care (Call For a list of schools we pick up from)
$40 daily drop-in rate (subject to space availability and staffing requirements. Please call in advance to ensure space and staffing).
$145 per child (5 years-11 years)
Children already enrolled in our after-school care program need to register for our summer care by spring break each year. Our summer contract will follow the Cabot Public School Districts calendar for summer weeks. Spots are subject to availability.
$50 per spot (a spot will not be saved for you until the registration fee is paid. A spot will only be saved for 2 weeks with the fee, after the two weeks tuition will be required to hold the spot).
We have a state-of-the-art security system installed on both buildings. No one is able to enter without being buzzed in or swiping a card. You will have cards to swipe at entry. There is a $25 security fee for these cards. You will receive 2 cards with this fee. Each additional card is $10. Each classroom is equipped with security cameras that helps us to closely monitor happenings in each room.
There is a $25 late fee if you haven’t paid by 6:00 pm Monday, and you will not be allowed to drop off without it on Tuesday. 3rd time you are late is grounds for dismissal. Tuition is required whether your child attends a full week or not.
$10 late fee for every 15 minutes you are late (3rd time you are late can result in dismissal of your child). If you discover that you are going to be late, please make alternate arrangements to have your child picked up.
$30 First offense. After 2nd offense, you will no longer be allowed to pay with checks.
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (2 days), Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
We are closed on these days, but you are still required to pay for the full week.
If the holiday falls on a Saturday I will be closed on Friday, if the holiday falls on Sunday then I am closed on Monday. I am closed Thursday and Friday the week of Thanksgiving.
We ID at pick up. Please ensure that you, your spouse, or anyone else that may be picking your child up comes in with ID in hand. You may be carded multiple times, depending on which teacher is at the door. This is for the safety of the children. If you have any custody issues that are of concern, please be sure to include a copy of the court orders for your child’s file. Please be aware that written authorization must be on file (you can send an email if it’s a last-minute change) if someone other than the persons listed on their information sheet will be picking up.
In the event of weather conditions that result in the Cabot Public School District closing for the day, our center will be closed as well. Because these are events that are out of our control, you are still required to pay full tuition for the week regardless of how many days are affected by the issues pertaining to weather. Please watch the local news station for school closings. Should the school have a late start, we will as well.
In the event of an emergency in which evacuation is necessary, all children will be safely transported to our Beebe location (1412 N. Beech Street). You will be notified and expected to have your child picked up from there immediately. This also, is a state enforced plan to ensure the safety of the children in the event of fire, flood, chemical spill, or other disaster in which the well-being of the children may be in jeopardy.
In the event that it is determined through assessment that your child needs intervention or therapy of any type, an educational plan will be established between the center administrator, the child’s teacher, the parent, and the cooperative service that will be providing the service. We partner with Wilber D Mills Cooperative Services for speech, physical, occupational, and social related therapy. We are also willing to work with other agencies upon your request. Reports will be maintained of the child’s progress in their portfolio.
Per the Arkansas Department of Health, your child will be excluded from care for the following reasons:
In the event that your child has special medical needs (such as asthma, allergies, etc.…that would require special treatment) you will need to complete a medical care plan to keep on file. All administrative staff and teachers will be instructed on how to handle any emergency situation that may arise with your child, as well as general care needed in regards to the condition. If there is medication that needs to be administered while your child is in our care, you will also need to complete a medication form to keep on file. All medications must be in the original containers with the prescription label visible. The label must contain the child’s name, times to be administered, and dosing information. We will not administer any medication that is to be given only once or twice per day – you will need to give it before and after pick up in this case.
If you would like us to administer Tylenol or Ibuprofen should your child start running a fever, you may leave a bottle with your child’s name on it in our office. These medications will NOT be administered if you don’t send a bottle, WE DO NOT PROVIDE IT.
If your child has a food or drink allergy or intolerance, I have a form you will have to have your doctor complete for me to send in to the state. We receive USDA funding and are required to feed each child certain things, any alteration to our menu due to allergies or intolerances must be documented with this form. We do not honor special diets such as (but not limited to) gluten free, vegan vegetarian, kosher, etc., you may, however, provide pre-made meals for your child if they are on a restricted diet that requires more than minor supplementations.
Per Arkansas Minimum Licensing requirements, all children enrolled are required to have a current record of immunizations on file. We follow the recommended schedule by the Arkansas Department of Health. By signing this policy, you are giving Early Impressions the right to access your child’s shot records via the WebIZ portal (state immunization tracking system) to print. If your child is immunized at a military facility, his or her records are not available on this portal and you are responsible for getting me a current copy within 10 days of enrollment and each time new shots are administered.
We DO NOT take NON-MEDICAL waivers. Questions about state requirements can be directed to the Arkansas Department of Health.
Sunscreen will be applied as needed IF you send a bottle (labeled with your child’s name) to be left at school. We do not provide it. Please sign below giving us permission to apply it to your child. We will not be responsible for any skin reactions caused by the use of sunscreen that you provide for your child.
You may contact the center at anytime during business hours at 501-628-1497. You may also reach the Executive Director via email at any time at [email protected]
If a teacher offers to share her personal cell phone number with you, please understand that they are not allowed to access their personal phones during times in which children are under their supervision. Do not expect them to communicate with you while they are caring for your child. This is a state regulation, not mine. We also ask that you respect their personal time and call the center during business house (unless it is an emergency that cannot wait until the following day).
We have a Facebook group. Once you enroll, remind me or your child’s teacher to add you! This is a private group for daycare parents and grandparents only. We post reminders for you guys, as well as picture of things we are doing for you to see. We respectfully request that you don’t share these pictures, but if you do, we ask that you blur other children out unless you have permission from their family to post the picture.
We are open Monday through Friday from 6:00 am to 6:00 pm. We operate on a 52-week schedule. For your convenience, our center does not close for vacation weeks. You are agreeing to a 52-week contract, with the understanding that tuition is expected weekly to hold your child’s spot. In support of teachers, special provisions will be made to the contract length. With documentation of employment from the district you are employed by, you will be offered a contract that coincides with your schools’ calendar. You are expected to pay for winter, Christmas, and spring breaks, but are allowed to unenroll during the summer months. You will need to let us know by spring break if you would like to enroll for full time summer care as well.
$165 per child infants (6 weeks-17 months)
$155 per child toddlers (18 months – 35 months)
$145 per child PreK (36 months – 11 years)
$75 per child, after school care (Call For a list of schools we pick up from)
$40 daily drop-in rate (subject to space availability and staffing requirements. Please call in advance to ensure space and staffing).
- Tuition is expected on Monday mornings before your child is left in our care.
- Please understand that your balance must be clear upon unenrollment, or you will not be allowed to re-enroll at any time in the future without paying off the balance and paying a 2-week advance deposit at re-enrollment.
- Please understand that you are required to give a two-week notice prior to unenrolling your child or you will be responsible for the full tuition for those two weeks.
$145 per child (5 years-11 years)
Children already enrolled in our after-school care program need to register for our summer care by spring break each year. Our summer contract will follow the Cabot Public School Districts calendar for summer weeks. Spots are subject to availability.
$50 per spot (a spot will not be saved for you until the registration fee is paid. A spot will only be saved for 2 weeks with the fee, after the two weeks tuition will be required to hold the spot).
We have a state-of-the-art security system installed on both buildings. No one is able to enter without being buzzed in or swiping a card. You will have cards to swipe at entry. There is a $25 security fee for these cards. You will receive 2 cards with this fee. Each additional card is $10. Each classroom is equipped with security cameras that helps us to closely monitor happenings in each room.
There is a $25 late fee if you haven’t paid by 6:00 pm Monday, and you will not be allowed to drop off without it on Tuesday. 3rd time you are late is grounds for dismissal. Tuition is required whether your child attends a full week or not.
$10 late fee for every 15 minutes you are late (3rd time you are late can result in dismissal of your child). If you discover that you are going to be late, please make alternate arrangements to have your child picked up.
$30 First offense. After 2nd offense, you will no longer be allowed to pay with checks.
New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving (2 days), Christmas Eve and Christmas Day
We are closed on these days, but you are still required to pay for the full week.
If the holiday falls on a Saturday I will be closed on Friday, if the holiday falls on Sunday then I am closed on Monday. I am closed Thursday and Friday the week of Thanksgiving.
We ID at pick up. Please ensure that you, your spouse, or anyone else that may be picking your child up comes in with ID in hand. You may be carded multiple times, depending on which teacher is at the door. This is for the safety of the children. If you have any custody issues that are of concern, please be sure to include a copy of the court orders for your child’s file. Please be aware that written authorization must be on file (you can send an email if it’s a last-minute change) if someone other than the persons listed on their information sheet will be picking up.
In the event of weather conditions that result in the Cabot Public School District closing for the day, our center will be closed as well. Because these are events that are out of our control, you are still required to pay full tuition for the week regardless of how many days are affected by the issues pertaining to weather. Please watch the local news station for school closings. Should the school have a late start, we will as well.
In the event of an emergency in which evacuation is necessary, all children will be safely transported to our Beebe location (1412 N. Beech Street). You will be notified and expected to have your child picked up from there immediately. This also, is a state enforced plan to ensure the safety of the children in the event of fire, flood, chemical spill, or other disaster in which the well-being of the children may be in jeopardy.
In the event that it is determined through assessment that your child needs intervention or therapy of any type, an educational plan will be established between the center administrator, the child’s teacher, the parent, and the cooperative service that will be providing the service. We partner with Wilber D Mills Cooperative Services for speech, physical, occupational, and social related therapy. We are also willing to work with other agencies upon your request. Reports will be maintained of the child’s progress in their portfolio.
Per the Arkansas Department of Health, your child will be excluded from care for the following reasons:
- A temperature of 101° (if you feel the fever is from teething, we will need documentation on file from your child’s doctor that states they are cleared to come to school in spite of the fever).
- Diarrhea (you will be called when the child has a 3rd loose stool in a day)
- Vomiting (called to pick up after the 2nd occurrence)
- Rash (must have a doctor’s note that states when they are clear to return)
- Any diagnosed viral or bacterial infection will require a doctor’s note to return
- All children must be symptom free for 24 hours before your child may return to school.
- Under no circumstance can medication of any kind be left in diaper bags or in cubbies. (teething tablets, gas drops, diaper cream, etc… Good rule of thumb – if it says “keep away from children” it should be removed from the bag).
In the event that your child has special medical needs (such as asthma, allergies, etc.…that would require special treatment) you will need to complete a medical care plan to keep on file. All administrative staff and teachers will be instructed on how to handle any emergency situation that may arise with your child, as well as general care needed in regards to the condition. If there is medication that needs to be administered while your child is in our care, you will also need to complete a medication form to keep on file. All medications must be in the original containers with the prescription label visible. The label must contain the child’s name, times to be administered, and dosing information. We will not administer any medication that is to be given only once or twice per day – you will need to give it before and after pick up in this case.
If you would like us to administer Tylenol or Ibuprofen should your child start running a fever, you may leave a bottle with your child’s name on it in our office. These medications will NOT be administered if you don’t send a bottle, WE DO NOT PROVIDE IT.
If your child has a food or drink allergy or intolerance, I have a form you will have to have your doctor complete for me to send in to the state. We receive USDA funding and are required to feed each child certain things, any alteration to our menu due to allergies or intolerances must be documented with this form. We do not honor special diets such as (but not limited to) gluten free, vegan vegetarian, kosher, etc., you may, however, provide pre-made meals for your child if they are on a restricted diet that requires more than minor supplementations.
Per Arkansas Minimum Licensing requirements, all children enrolled are required to have a current record of immunizations on file. We follow the recommended schedule by the Arkansas Department of Health. By signing this policy, you are giving Early Impressions the right to access your child’s shot records via the WebIZ portal (state immunization tracking system) to print. If your child is immunized at a military facility, his or her records are not available on this portal and you are responsible for getting me a current copy within 10 days of enrollment and each time new shots are administered.
We DO NOT take NON-MEDICAL waivers. Questions about state requirements can be directed to the Arkansas Department of Health.
Sunscreen will be applied as needed IF you send a bottle (labeled with your child’s name) to be left at school. We do not provide it. Please sign below giving us permission to apply it to your child. We will not be responsible for any skin reactions caused by the use of sunscreen that you provide for your child.
You may contact the center at anytime during business hours at 501-628-1497. You may also reach the Executive Director via email at any time at [email protected]
If a teacher offers to share her personal cell phone number with you, please understand that they are not allowed to access their personal phones during times in which children are under their supervision. Do not expect them to communicate with you while they are caring for your child. This is a state regulation, not mine. We also ask that you respect their personal time and call the center during business house (unless it is an emergency that cannot wait until the following day).
We have a Facebook group. Once you enroll, remind me or your child’s teacher to add you! This is a private group for daycare parents and grandparents only. We post reminders for you guys, as well as picture of things we are doing for you to see. We respectfully request that you don’t share these pictures, but if you do, we ask that you blur other children out unless you have permission from their family to post the picture.
- We supply all food and drink. Your child will be supplied a cup as well, so please do not bring one from home in the mornings.
- We provide milk-based formula (Parent’s Choice). If your infant is on something aside from this, you will need to provide it.
- We provide infant cereal and baby food, and follow the feeding schedule recommended by the USDA Child and Infant food program.
- Diapers are checked hourly per state regulation. Please send enough diapers to get through at least 6-8 diapers a day depending on the length of time in care. You may send them daily, or leave a bag at the center and be notified when low.
- Unscented, hypoallergenic wipes are to be brought on the 1st of each month. The large refill bag (minimum of 250 count) will be brought and left as class supply. It is too difficult to keep track of individual cases of wipes, so we create a class supply each month to use. The center will furnish any needed in excess of the class supply. Wipes are to be brought by all students, as they are used during messy art and outside play in addition to diapering and toileting needs.
- All children need a crib sheet to be used on cribs and mats, as well as a small blanket. We will launder all bedding as required by the state.
- Each child needs a season appropriate change of clothes left in his/her cubby in a gallon size bag with his/her name on it. Cubbies should be checked daily for soiled clothes, and a fresh change brought the next day.
- Children potty-training will need enough changes to make it through a day, or you will be called to bring clothes to the center. We do not supply spares. You will need to follow our potty-training policy (please ask your child’s teacher for one).
- Shoes must be worn every day by all children who are walking. House shoes are not considered appropriate.
- Please remember that we do a lot of hands on learning, self-feeding, etc … therefore we recommend not sending your child dressed in clothing that you do not want to be messed up.
- Personal blankies, pacifiers, cuddle buddies, and any other item of self-comfort are welcome. Please be sure your child’s name is on anything you send. Toys and other items are NOT allowed.
- No pacifier clips allowed. No items shall be sent that go around the child’s neck. Bibs are allowed for drooling, but will be removed when your child is sleeping.
- We do not have a yearly supply fee; however, we do send home supply lists each August. All items are collected and stored in community buckets to share.
- Please refrain from bringing diaper bags, unless your child is an infant and it is a small bag with only the necessities for the day.